with actress KaDee Strickland on Marnie's photo set
Topics Include
Rape: Not Just a Female “Thing”
In speaking to the men in her life, Marnie realized there was an inherent difference in the way men responded to the assault. What surprised her the most was the shame and how this disconnect further divides the sexes. In order to go beyond unlocking the silence, rape needs to be recognized as a national crisis. Through education, dispelling myths and encouraging men to get involved, men and women will learn how to talk about sexual assault openly.
Law En”Force”ment: Sensitivity Will Get You Everywhere
Marnie discusses how her experience with the NYPD, not once, but twice, was vital to seeing justice served. The great men and women who worked on her case are some of Marnie’s heroes. Why is accessibility and believing a survivor crucial in your job as a detective, DA, or police officer? As a survivor, why should you trust in your local law enforcement? Marnie will show you just how far putting your guard down can help put a perpetrator behind bars, and a survivor heal.
Listen and Learn You Have the Answers: Co-Survivor Workshop
As a friend, family member or peer, do you feel like there is nothing you can do or say to help a survivor? Listening and validating a survivor’s experience is a crucial key in their recovery process. Marnie will give you advice and real tools to use when helping someone in need.
Say it or Show It: Healing Arts Workshop
Two months after she was assaulted, Marnie found herself writing grants and taking time off to work to build a mixed media installation, “Sheila’s Photographs”. Marnie will talk about the significance of Sheila’s Photographs as her way back to a new life and how it is representative of how powerful art and writing can be to a survivor. You don’t need to be able to draw a straight line or string a sentence together to heal from artwork.
Healing By Giving: Volunteering
Anyone who enjoys gift giving knows how rewarding it is to give back. With so many important causes, how does one choose just one? How do you make connections to your community and the programs the provide? You'd be surprised just how many organizations are right in your zip code. Marnie will teach you how to navigate the volunteer world, find the right match, and make an impact. Survival Instinct
Someone is attacking you: will screaming, fighting back or complying save your life? Marnie discusses her flight or flight response, how people’s reactions will differ and why you should trust your instincts. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Some Speaking Engagements Include
•Junior League of Los Angeles (workshop) (2008 & 2009)
•The Creative Dig, Los Angeles (panelist)
•Book Soup, Los Angeles (speaker)
•The Pink Project Book Signing (speaker)
•The Streetside Storytellers at The M Bar, Los Angeles (speaker)
•Santa Barbara City College, Santa Barbara, CA (workshop)
• Bakersfield Women’s Conference, Bakersfield CA (workshop) •UCLA, Los Angeles (speaker) •Planned Parenthood, NYC (speaker)
•RAINN Fundraiser, Los Angeles (workshop)
•MLK High School, NYC (workshop)
•Criminal Justice Collaboration Project Conference, John Jay College of Criminal Justice, NYC (keynote speaker)
Events, Production, TV
• RAINN PSA shoot directed by Amy Berger featuring Christina Ricci, Dylan McDermott, Kevin Bacon, and Gabriella Union (assistant producer)
• RAINN PSA video shoot with Christina Ricci and Cheryl Burke, Los Angeles (coordinator)
• Consulted ABC's "Private Practice" with KaDee Strickland